Saturday, May 24, 2014

Subscription Code

I'm posting this just in case those who have subscribed have not received there first discount code for being a subscriber! I will re-post this same blog post once a week for all new subscribers! I don't want anyone missing out on their discount! :) Again, Thank you so much for subscribing!

Use code "CDBSUB" to receive 10% off your next order of $8 or more! 
Can not be combined with any other offer!
Code is case sensitive and requires all caps!
Please be considerate and Do not share this code with anyone else, I have everyone's emails who have subscribed so Ill know if the person who tries using this code isn't on the subscribers list!

Friday, May 23, 2014


A Land Full of Wonder polishes will be back in shop tomorrow!(Saturday, May 24th at 11a.m EST) So don't forget to set alarms! This will be the last restock until mid-end June or July! :)

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

ALFoW Restock Update!

A Land Full of Wonder Restock Update!

Look what came today!!!! The glitters needed to finish up my restock!! whoo hoo!!!
Set your reminders cause the Relaunch will be this Saturday May 24th at 11am EST!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

A Land Full of Wonder restock update!

Update on A Land Full of Wonder Collection Restock!
With what product and supplies I had left for this collection I was only able to make a handful of 4 out of 6 polishes. I didn't have enough yellow glitter to make "10/6" and "Curiouser and Curiouser" Therefore the restock will not be finished until the end of the week. I ordered the glitters 4 days ago so I should get them by the middle of the week so I'm aiming to relaunch this collection this Friday or Saturday. I will post the day before restock launch to remind everyone! :)
Thank you so much for your love and patience!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

A Land Full of Wonder Restock

A Land Full of Wonder Restock

Next restock will be within 2-4 weeks depending on when all supplies needed come in.
I will post another blog as well as post on IG when it will be happening for sure :)